OUCHI KidsではSTEAM教育に力を入れていることは周知のことですが、最近教育業界で人気が出てきた
OUCHI KidsのSTEAM教科はまさにこのイマージョン教育にあたります。
※Reading 中級・上級を受講する場合、kahoot.itにアクセスするご準備をお願いいたします。Zoomと別のデバイスで開くことを推奨しますが、難しい場合同じデバイスで別ブラウザを開いていただいても問題ないかと思います。
(月)17:00~ Let’s GO1-Unit1-Lesson 7 : P&B (phonics lesson)
(火)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit1-Lesson 7: Shapes (vocabulary lesson)
(水)17:00~ Reading-Lesson 4: Athletes
(水)18:30~ Let’s GO2-Unit1-Lesson 7: Kinds of Animals with Demonstrative Adjectives (e.g. what kind of animal is this/are these?) + possessive pronouns (whose is it? It’s mine/yours/his/hers/ours/theirs)
(木)17:00~ Everybody UP2-Unit1-Lesson 7: Vocab the senses, “We use our ____ to _____”, Reading Gracie’s Nose
(木)18:30~ Let’s GO1-Unit1-Lesson 8: Colors (vocabulary lesson)
(金)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit1-Lesson 8: Art Supplies (Vocabulary Lesson)
(土)10:00~ Let’s GO2-Unit1-Lesson 8: Grammar: Possessives (e.g. whose bag is that? It’s name+ ‘s/it’s his/her bag)
(日)10:30~ Everybody UP2-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocabulary Lesson Jobs
(月)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit1-Lesson 7: Reading comprehension, “Sams Plant”; review “Do you have any”
(月)19:00~Let’s Go4 U4-Unit1-Lesson 7: Beach/Camping supplies vocab; conversation “What do I need?”
(月)19:30~, (土)9:30~ Reading-Lesson 4: All About Orcas
(火)17:30~ Everybody UP3-Unit1-Lesson 7: Vocab review – food for cooking and Reading AZ Cranberries
(火)18:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit1-Lesson 7: Reading comprehension sports safety and sports vocab; Reading AZ Firefighters
(水)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit7-Lesson 8: Conversation “Which do you like?” and Phonic ou and ow
(水)19:00~ Everybody UP3-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocab Places to Go and Reading AZ My Neighborhood
(木)17:30~ Lets GO4-Unit1-Lesson 8:Vocab Lesson Jobs, Conversation what do you want to be?
(金)17:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocab Animals and REading AZ All About Foxes
(月)18:00~ Lets GO5-Unit1-Lesson 7: Grammar review many or much?
(火)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit1-Lesson 7: Reading comprehension Silk Road and Marco Polo
(水)18:00~ Lets GO6-Unit1-Lesson 7: Reading Comprehension The first Popsicle; phonics review
(水)19:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit1-Lesson 7: Reading Comprehension Sightseeing in Tokyo; Reading AZ Roadside Oddities
(木)19:00~ Lets GO5-Unit1-Lesson 8: Grammar Fast, Faster, Fastest
(金)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocabulary lesson. Verb chunks (e.g. study insects, identify trees, pick wild strawberries, find animal tracks, explore a cave, collect leaves). Reading A-Z, “Our Camping Trip.”
(土)10:30~ Lets GO6-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocab and Spelling; at the aquarium
(日)11:00~ Reading Lesson 4: “Beanie and the Missing Bear”
(日)11:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit1-Lesson 8: Vocab Chores, Conversation Adult chores vs Kid chores
(火)19:30~, (木)19:30~,(金)18:30~ Presentation and conversation practice 4: All about weather!
(月)18:00~,(木)18:00~,(金)19:30~, (日)10:00~ Lesson 4: “Floating & Sinking Paper Clip.” Physics: Surface tension. Like objects stick to like objects.
Materials: Q tips, tissues, paper clips, a glass, water, dish soap.
Art & Music
(月)18:30~, (金)18:00~,(土)9:00~, (日)9:00~ Lesson 18 : The early history of animation.
Materials needed: Paper, scissors, pencil or other drawing materials, and a stapler.
IT Design
(月)18:30~,(火)19:00~, (金)19:00~, (日)9:30~ Lesson 4: I’m Coming
Powtoon : https://www.powtoon.com/
(土)11:00~初級(1~2年生レベル) Lesson 4: Number lines, counting to the number 12, and simple addition. Curious George number line and addition games.
(土)11:30~ 中級(3~4年生レベル) Lesson 4: Numbers into 1,000s and number value VS place value
(金)18:30~ 上級(5~6年生レベル) Lesson 4:Number Value: Up to 100,000 + Counting Money