今更ですが、OUCHI Kidsが注力しているSTEAM(STEAM)教育って具体的になに?
※Reading 中級・上級を受講する場合、kahoot.itにアクセスするご準備をお願いいたします。Zoomと別のデバイスで開くことを推奨しますが、難しい場合同じデバイスで別ブラウザを開いていただいても問題ないかと思います。
(月)17:00~ Let’s GO1-Unit2-Lesson 4 : It’s + a + color + noun
(火)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit2-Lesson 4: Review (Listening & Speaking Lesson)
(水)17:00~ Reading-Lesson 6: “The Big Cat.”
(水)18:30~ Let’s GO2-Unit2-Lesson 4: Speaking Lesson: Using vocab & grammar in a semi-free speaking session
(木)17:00~ Everybody UP2-Unit2-Lesson 4: Grammar Singular or Plural, Phonics ig and at; REading AZ Games We Play
(木)18:30~ Let’s GO1-Unit2-Lesson 5:Review of colors and shapes
(金)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit2-Lesson 5: Vocab review of art supplies
(土)10:00~ Let’s GO2-Unit2-Lesson 5: Vocab – Things in my Bag; Reading AZ “Fishing with Grandpa”
(日)10:30~ Everybody UP2-Unit2-Lesson 5: Reading Comprehension “Oh Danny” – value “Be Careful”; Conversation review May I…?
(月)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit2-Lesson 4:Grammar and Vocab; Clothes vocab and they have/he has grammar
(月)19:00~Let’s Go4 U4-Unit2-Lesson 4: Job vocab review and grammar Yes he does/No she doesn’t
(月)19:30~, (土)9:30~ Reading-Lesson 6: All Kinds of Farms.
(火)17:30~ Everybody UP3-Unit2-Lesson 4: Grammar things to do present tense verbs, Reading AZ At the Library
(火)18:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit2-Lesson 4: Vocab aquatic animals; Grammar as… as
(水)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit2-Lesson 5: Vocabulary Clothes; conversation “Whose is it?”
(水)19:00~ Everybody UP3-Unit2-Lesson 5: Reading comprehension “Its Over There!” and sight words
(木)17:30~ Lets GO4-Unit2-Lesson 5: Review of what does he need; vocabulary job functions
(金)17:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit2-Lesson 5: Reading Comprehension “The Best Cap”, value Be Thoughtful; Grammar Review As long as or longer than
(月)18:00~ Lets GO5-Unit2-Lesson 4: Categorizing animals; vocab opinion based adjectives
(火)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit2-Lesson 4: Grammar lesson. Past progressive Q & A. (e.g. what were you doing when you saw the deer? I was setting up the tent)
(水)18:00~ Lets GO6-Unit2-Lesson 4: spelling and grammar; scared vs scary adjective or noun
(水)19:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit2-Lesson 4: Speaking; When can you…?
(木)19:00~ Lets GO5-Unit2-Lesson 5: Vocabulary; opinion based adjectives
(金)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit2-Lesson 5: Reading lesson. Students read a thematic story, called “The Cave,” which includes Unit 2 grammar and vocabulary
(土)10:30~ Lets GO6-Unit2-Lesson 5: Grammar review ing or ed; New Aquarium Vocab
(日)11:00~ Reading Lesson 6: “Are You From Australia?”
(日)11:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit2-Lesson 5: Grammar; My parents could… when they were my age.
(火)19:30~, (木)19:30~,(金)18:30~ Presentation and conversation practice 6: Favorite season
(月)18:00~,(木)18:00~,(金)19:30~, (日)10:00~ Lesson 6: “Floating Letters.”
Materials: M&Ms, water, plate.
必要な材料:M&Mチョコ、水、お皿 (Lesson 5と材料は同じですが違うレッスンです)
Art & Music
(月)18:30~, (金)18:00~,(土)9:00~, (日)9:00~ Lesson 19:Basic animation principles part 2:
Materials Needed: Pencil, Markers, and a book or pack of tracing paper, a ruler, and binder clips
IT Design
(月)18:30~,(火)19:00~, (金)19:00~, (日)9:30~ Lesson 6: Walk in the Garden
Powtoon : https://www.powtoon.com/
(土)11:00~初級(1~2年生レベル) Lesson 6: 1-21, number value, spelling 15, 20, 21
(土)11:30~ 中級(3~4年生レベル) Lesson 6: Number Groups: Prep for multiplication & Division (e.g. how many groups of 60 are in 600? There are 10 groups of 60 in 600)
(金)18:30~ 上級(5~6年生レベル) Lesson 6: Counting Digits & Review w/ Kahoot!