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(月)17:00~ Let’s GO1-Unit2-Lesson 2 : Color + object (review lesson)
(火)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit2-Lesson 2: Art Supplies, Colors (Vocabulary Lesson)
(水)17:00~ Reading-Lesson 5: “Car Parts.”
(水)18:30~ Let’s GO2-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar: Possessives Review
(木)17:00~ Everybody UP2-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar Lesson is vs isn’t, vocab review jobs
(木)18:30~ Let’s GO1-Unit2-Lesson 3: Shapes (vocabulary lesson)
(金)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit2-Lesson 3: “What color is it?” (Vocabulary Lesson)
(土)10:00~ Let’s GO2-Unit2-Lesson 3: Vocabulary Lesson: Household Items
(日)10:30~ Everybody UP2-Unit2-Lesson 3: Vocab Jobs; Reading AZ A Cold Day
(月)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit2-Lesson 2: Vocab Places to Go and Reading AZ My Neighborhood
(月)19:00~Let’s Go4 U4-Unit2-Lesson 2: Vocab Lesson Jobs, Conversation what do they do?
(月)19:30~, (土)9:30~ Reading-Lesson 5: Fantastic Phil
(火)17:30~ Everybody UP3-Unit2-Lesson 2: Vocab across from, next to, between
(火)18:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar Big, Bigger, Biggest, animal vocab review, Reading AZ Bees Feed Me
(水)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit2-Lesson 3: Review of pattern vocab, clothes vocab
(水)19:00~ Everybody UP3-Unit2-Lesson 3: vocabulary lesson things to do, Reading AZ amazing places to work
(木)17:30~ Lets GO4-Unit2-Lesson 3: Speaking and Grammar, What does he want to be/What do you want to be; do or does
(金)17:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit2-Lesson 3: Grammar; comparative adjectives big, bigger, biggest ; Reading AZ Greater Than
(月)18:00~ Lets GO5-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar – Comparatives; as fast as/as slow as
(火)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar lesson. The past progressive (e.g. she was studying insects, he was exploring a cave). Affirmative & Negative (e.g. was she picking wild strawberries in the afternoon? Yes she was/no she wasn’t).
(水)18:00~ Lets GO6-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar Participial Adjectives; InterestED vs InterestING, ED or ING
(水)19:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit2-Lesson 2: Grammar I have to, I don’t have to
(木)19:00~ Lets GO5-Unit2-Lesson 3: Grammar; fast, fastest, faster/slow, slowest, slower
(金)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit2-Lesson 3: Grammar lesson (with new vocabulary, too). Vocabulary includes more verb chunks (e.g. set up a tent, build a camp fire). Grammar: past
(土)10:30~ Lets GO6-Unit2-Lesson 3: visit the aquarium – vocab and spelling
(日)11:00~ Reading Lesson 5: “Ants, ants, ants”
(日)11:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit2-Lesson 3: Comparing chores I have to but my parents don’t, Reading AZ Getting Ready for School
(火)19:30~, (木)19:30~,(金)18:30~ Presentation and conversation practice 5: How I go (focus on modes of transportation)
(月)18:00~,(木)18:00~,(金)19:30~, (日)10:00~ Lesson 5: “M&Ms Rainbow Wheel.” Physics: Dissolve.
Materials: M&Ms, water, plate.
Art & Music
(月)18:30~, (金)18:00~,(土)9:00~, (日)9:00~ Lesson #Holiday : Childrens Day Koinobori
Materials: Koinobori Template, Coloring Materials, hole puncher, string or yarn.
必要な材料:こいのぼりのテンプレート、カラーマーカーor 色鉛筆など、穴あけパンチ、糸orひも
IT Design
(月)18:30~,(火)19:00~, (金)19:00~, (日)9:30~ Lesson 5: In and Out
Powtoon : https://www.powtoon.com/
(土)11:00~初級(1~2年生レベル) Lesson 6: 1-20, number line, spelling 15-18
(土)11:30~ 中級(3~4年生レベル) Lesson 5: Number Groups: Prep for multiplication & Division (e.g. how many groups of 60 are in 600? There are 10 groups of 60 in 600)
(金)18:30~ 上級(5~6年生レベル) Lesson 5:Numbers 1,200-10,000, number value VS place value, basic patterns