OUCHI Kidsには低年齢ですでに英検をお持ちの生徒さんがたくさんいます。
OUCHI Kidsの運営母体FlyNexiaでは英検短期対策講座を行っており、
※Reading 中級・上級を受講する場合、kahoot.itにアクセスするご準備をお願いいたします。Zoomと別のデバイスで開くことを推奨しますが、難しい場合同じデバイスで別ブラウザを開いていただいても問題ないかと思います。
(月)17:00~ Let’s GO1-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab Lesson: Weather, Conversation Lesson “How is the weather? It’s…” Phonics Lesson (A – Level 2)
(火)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit6-Lesson 1: animals. Vocabulary lesson: monkey, kangaroo, tiger, bear, penguin, elephant. Reading A-Z: aa. “The Zoo.”
(水)17:00~ Reading-Lesson 9: “Animals Can Move.”
(水)18:30~ Let’s GO2-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab/Reading Lesson: “Where do you live? I live in… What’s your address? It’s… ”, Reading AtoZ “Yummy Yummy”, Conversation Review: “Like”, Phonics Lesson (u)
(木)17:00~ Everybody UP2-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab – things we find at home
(木)18:30~ Let’s GO1-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab Review: Weather, Reading Lesson: How is the Weather, Phonics Lesson (ad)
(金)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit6-Lesson 2: Grammar: prepositions. “Where’s the [animal]?” Reading A-Z: aa. “Jungle Friends.”
(土)10:00~ Let’s GO2-Unit6-Lesson 2:Vocab Lesson: A bed, A bathtub, A sofa, A stove, a lamp, a sink, a TV, a refrigerator. Reading Lesson “Hillsdale”, Conversation Review: “Where do you live? What’s your address?” Phonics Lesson (ug)
(日)10:30~ Everybody UP2-Unit6-Lesson 2: Review of vocab – things we find at home; New vocab – next to, in front of, behind
(月)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab, telling time using the words half and quarter. Example “It is a quarter past one”
(月)19:00~Let’s Go4 U4-Unit6-Lesson 1:Vocabulary lesson. Target Language: Can I help you?/Who are you looking for? I’m looking for my… Vocabulary: Family members
(月)19:30~, (土)9:30~ Reading-Lesson 2:“Some Birds Go”
(火)17:30~ Everybody UP3-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab – Chores; Reading AZ “Too Much Work”
(火)18:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit6-Lesson 1: The Arts: Vocab Lesson. Reading AtoZ “Glassblowing”
(水)17:30~ Lets GO3-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab lesson. How often do you…? Using always, usually, sometimes, and never.
(水)19:00~ Everybody UP3-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab and Conversation: Using before and after; “When do they do their chores?”; Reading AZ “A Walk With Mom”
(木)17:30~ Lets GO4-Unit6-Lesson 2: Grammar lesson. Target Language: What do/does [person] look like? S/he has ___. Vocabulary: Physical attributes (e.g. hair/eye length & color)
(金)17:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab Review. Conversation Lesson “What does she like to do/She likes to…” Does she like to… Yes she does/No she doesn’t”
(月)18:00~ Lets GO5-Unit6-Lesson 1:Vocabulary lesson: Seasonal activities (Ice skating, skiing, planting flowers, fling kites, going to the beach, waterskiing, camping, picking apples), Reading/Conversation Lesson
(火)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit6-Lesson 1:Vocab lesson: Cooking/Mixing measurements (a cup/half cup/quarter cup/tablespoon/teaspoon/drop). Conversation Lesson: Practicing using the vocabulary in a sentence.
(水)18:00~ Lets GO6-Unit6-Lesson 1: Vocab and Grammar; Vocab – Things we do at home; Grammar – Using present perfect “Have you… yet?”
(水)19:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit6-Lesson 1:Vocab – things we can do to help the environment
(木)19:00~ Lets GO5-Unit6-Lesson 2: Reading Lesson: “What’s your favorite Season”, Grammar lesson:Making complete sentences (I like… because…)
(金)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab review: Cooking/Mixing measurementConversation Lesson: Practicing using the vocabulary in questions and answers.
(土)10:30~ Lets GO6-Unit6-Lesson 2:Vocab review – Things we do around the house; New Vocab – just, yet, already
(日)11:00~ Reading Lesson 9: “Laws for Kids.”
(日)11:30~ Everybody UP6-Unit6-Lesson 2: Vocab – things we can do to conserve energy
(火)19:30~, (木)19:30~,(金)18:30~ Presentation and conversation practice 49: My favorite things about spring
(火)18:30~,(木)18:00~,(金)19:30~, (日)10:00~ Lesson 24: “Gravity Defying Water.” Physics: vacuum.
Materials: piece of cardboard, wine glass, plastic bucket, water.
Art & Music
(月)18:30~, (木)18:30~,(土)9:00~, (日)9:00~ Lesson 8: Shading 3-D shapes.
Materials: white paper, black marker, pencils, erasers.
IT Design
(火)19:00~, (水)18:30~,(金)19:00~, (日)9:30~ Lesson 14: Street and Ocean
Powtoon : https://www.powtoon.com/
(土)11:00~初級(1~2年生レベル) Lesson 9: 40-100, number line, number pronunciation, number spelling
(土)11:30~ 中級(3~4年生レベル) Lesson 9: How many groups of things can make the result? (e.g. we have 12. We can have 6 groups of 2, 2 groups of 6, etc.) “Showing one number is a product of others” [up to 12]
(金)18:30~ 上級(5~6年生レベル) Lesson 9: Multiplication of two digit numbers (up to 99); introduction to basic multiplication word problems in English