2021 6月第2週(6/7~6/13) レッスン内容

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OUCHI Kidsコンシェルジュの私Natsumiは、1年の中で一番家での時間が増えると言ってもいいくらいです。


そんな時はぜひOUCHI Kidsのオンラインレッスンを受けて、おうち時間を有意義なものにしましょう♪




※Reading 中級・上級を受講する場合、kahoot.itにアクセスするご準備をお願いいたします。Zoomと別のデバイスで開くことを推奨しますが、難しい場合同じデバイスで別ブラウザを開いていただいても問題ないかと思います。


(月)17:00~ Let’s GO1-Unit6-Lesson1: Vocab Lesson: Weather, Conversation Lesson “How is the weather? It’s…” Phonics Lesson (A – Level 2)”

(火)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit6-Lesson1: Animals. Vocabulary lesson: monkey, kangaroo, tiger, bear, penguin, elephant. Reading A-Z: aa. “The Zoo.”

(水)17:00~, (土)9:00~, (日)10:30~ Reading-Lesson22: Sophie goes for a walk

(木)17:00~    Let’s GO1-Unit6-Lesson2: Vocab Review: Weather, Reading Lesson: How is the Weather, Phonics Lesson (ad)

(金)17:00~ Everybody UP1-Unit6-Lesson2: Grammar: prepositions. “Where’s the [animal]?” Reading A-Z: aa. “Jungle Friends.”


(月)17:30~,19:00~ Lets GO4-Unit5-Lesson3: Speaking: feelings review; Grammar: Prepositions using past form.

(月)20:00~, (土)9:30~    Reading-Lesson27: Meet the Beetles

(木)18:30~, (日)11:00~ Reading-Lesson28: My Day 

(火)17:30~, 18:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit5-Lesson1: Vocab Lesson: Food And Drink. Grammar Lesson: Simple past tense (eat->ate, Drink ->drank)

(水)17:30~, 19:00~, (土)10:30~ Lets GO4-Unit5-Lesson4: Speaking Lesson: Prepositions & Past Simple Grammar (Review & Expansion)

(木)17:30~, 19:30~, (金)17:30~ Everybody UP4-Unit5-Lesson2: Vocab review: Food And Drink. Grammar/Conversation lesson: (What did he eat… He ate…).


(月)18:00~,19:30~ Lets GO5-Unit6-Lesson3: Vocab Lesson Outdoor/Weekend activities (went backpacking, raked leaves, went sledding, had a snowball fight, had a picnic, picked flowers, went swimming, built a sandcastle), Grammar lesson: Past tense. Reading Lesson: “What did you do”

(水)18:00~, 19:30~ Everybody UP5-Unit6-Lesson1: Vocab lesson: Cooking/Mixing measurements (a cup/half cup/quarter cup/tablespoon/teaspoon/drop). Conversation Lesson: Practicing using the vocabulary in a sentence.

(水)20:00~    Lets GO5-Unit6-Lesson4: Vocab Lesson “Go trekking, go to the waterpark, go rafting, go to a baseball game, go SCUBA diving, go surfing, go snowboarding, go horseback riding). Grammar lesson: Simple future tense (I will probably…)

(金)18:00~ Everybody UP5-Unit6-Lesson2: Vocab review: Cooking/Mixing measurementConversation Lesson: Practicing using the vocabulary in questions and answers.

(木)19:00~, (土)10:00~, (日)11:30~ Reading-Lesson22: Hawaii volcanoes national park


(火)20:00~, (木)20:00~ Lesson10 : Show & Tell  【Topic : Seasons 】


(火)19:00~, (木)18:00~, (日)10:00~ Lesson 45: Diffusion

Materials Needed: White glue, water, ink. They also will want a disposable surface (plastic plate, a sheet of foil)



Art & Music

(月)18:30~, (日)9:00~ Lesson 22 : Artistic Movements 1 – Cubism (About Picasso and the Cubism movement, and then make a drawing in Cubist style.

Materials Needed: Paper, Coloring materials (markers/pencils/crayons), and a box or other item to block the students view of their paper.




IT Design

(火)19:30~, (日)9:30~ Lesson24: Countries


Powtoon : https://www.powtoon.com/


(火)8:00~, (土)11:00~初級(1~2年生レベル) Lesson22 : Review of subtraction and addition all

(水)18:30~, (土)11:30~ 中級(3~4年生レベル) Lesson22 : Multiplying with 1 and 2 digit number

(金)18:30~ 上級(5~6年生レベル) Lesson22 : Decimals tenths and hundredths place


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